Children's Day Out (CDO): 9:05 am- 2:35 pm
For children who are one, two, and three years old by September 1st.
Classes offered twice a week on either Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/ Thursday
CDO classes are times of rich, developmentally appropriate play. Children will engage in dramatic play, sensory activities, art, stories, Bible Time, music, and outdoor play in a nurturing environment that allows children to thrive. Teachers will lovingly guide children as they work on their social and emotional development; learning to separate from parents, beginning to empathize with others, making transitions, and practicing self-control. Children will eat lunch in the classrooms and nap in the afternoon.
Children will...
develop large motor skills through activities such as jumping, dancing, and playing on the playground.
develop fine motor skills by playing with playdoh, puzzles, painting, and drawing.
develop language skills through singing, dramatic play, and listening to stories.
hear the word of God through weekly Bible Time, memory verses, prayers, and through the modeling of our teachers.
experience the joy and wonder of the natural world on our beautiful outdoor playground.
Children's Day Out (CDO): 9:05 am- 2:35 pm
For children who are one, two, and three years old by September 1st.
Classes offered twice a week on either Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/ Thursday
CDO classes are times of rich, developmentally appropriate play. Children will engage in dramatic play, sensory activities, art, stories, Bible Time, music, and outdoor play in a nurturing environment that allows children to thrive. Teachers will lovingly guide children as they work on their social and emotional development; learning to separate from parents, beginning to empathize with others, making transitions, and practicing self-control. Children will eat lunch in the classrooms and nap in the afternoon.
Children will...
develop large motor skills through activities such as jumping, dancing, and playing on the playground.
develop fine motor skills by playing with playdoh, puzzles, painting, and drawing.
develop language skills through singing, dramatic play, and listening to stories.
hear the word of God through weekly Bible Time, memory verses, prayers, and through the modeling of our teachers.
experience the joy and wonder of the natural world on our beautiful outdoor playground.

What is Pre-Kindergarten?
Children at this age are developing rapidly, and it is our goal that they would love learning. Curriculum continues to be developmentally appropriate and integrated through a variety of thematic experiences designed to provide a smooth transition from skills learned in the 3-year old classroom and which meet the more complex needs of four year olds. The Pre-K curriculum is aligned to all Oklahoma state standards but is taught in a play-based, hands on environment.
Who can attend and when?
Pre-Kindergarten is for children who are four years old by September 1st.
Classes offered either three days per week (Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday)​ or four days per week (Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday)
What will my child learn?
Children in Pre-K will...
develop language skills by beginning to compare stories, understand fiction and nonfiction, and make predictions.
sing, dance and jump their way through the alphabet as they begin to understand that letters make sounds and that words are made up of letters.
develop math concepts such as graphing, patterning, one-to-one correspondence and recognizing numbers through the use of hands on manipulatives .
practice engineering skills by building in large scale block centers.
learn to problem solve and share differences of opinion
develop self-management skills such as unpacking their totes, managing buttons, snaps, and zippers, opening their own lunches and cleaning up.
hear the word of God through weekly Bible Time, memory verses, prayers, and through the modeling of our teachers.
hone their large motor skills while experiencing the joy and wonder of the natural world on our beautiful outdoor playground.
Pre-K children will build friendships and play hard!