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Bible Time

It is important to us that ECP students experience God and the grace of Jesus.  Each week the children in the Early Childhood Program get to participate in Bible Time.


Bible Time engages the children in God’s Word through music, movement, prayer, puppets, drama, and listening to a story from Scripture.

Scroll below to see the Bible Stories and memory verses we are sharing with our students during Bible Time for the 2023-2024 school year! 

Kids in Church

Bible Stories:

In the Garden

(Genesis 1:31, 2:8-3:24)

Moses and the Sea

(Exodus 13:17-18, 14)

Jonah and the Whale

(Jonah 1:1-3:10)

Memory Verse:

"God...knows everything."

1 John 3:20

Bible Story Description:

God knows everything. God knows how we feel. God knows how it's going to work out. Go knows what will happen if we go this way...or that way. Add to it that God loves us and we truly can trust that God knows what's best for us. 


Bible Stories:

Rahab and the Spies

(Joshua 2:1-24; 6:24-25)

David and Goliath

(1 Samuel 17:1-50)

Daniel and the Lions

(Daniel 6:1-23)


(Exodus 2:4-10, 15:20-21;

Micah 6:4)

Memory Verse:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Bible Story Description:

There's a form of bravery that people can muster to get through dentist appointments or go sky diving.

But then there's God-brave, a bravery that can only come from knowing the one, true God.

God-brave helps us go beyond what we can do and experience God working through us to do what only God can do.

Children Reading the Holy Bible

Bible Stories:

Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz

(Ruth 1-2)

David and Jonathan

(1 Samuel 18:1-4)

Manna and Quail

(Exodus 16)

Memory Verse:

“Always give thanks to God."

Ephesians 5:20

Bible Story Description:

When we remember that God made everything-and all that God made is good-it should move us to thank God for everything. Thank God for who He is and what He's done. For family, friends, and food-we have a lot to be thankful for!


Bible Stories:

The Angel and Mary

(Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49)

Jesus is Born

(Luke 2:1-7)

The Shepherds

(Luke 2:8-23)

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

(Luke 1:26-2:23)

Memory Verse:

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son."

(John 3:16)

Bible Story Description:

Have you ever loved someone so much that you gave all you had to give them the best gift? And when the time came to give your gift, your heart felt like it would explode with love, joy and excitement? That is a tiny glimpse of the heart of God the night Jesus was born. 

Church in Fall

Bible Stories:

Jesus Teaches a Crowd

(Mark 6:30-34)

Birds and Flowers

(Matthew 6:25-34)

Bigger Barns

(Acts 2:45; Luke 12:16-23)

Prodigal Son

(Luke 15:11-24)

Memory Verse:

“The people were amazed at his teaching."

(Matthew 7:28)

Bible Story Description:

While Jesus was on earth, huge crowds flocked to hear Him teach. Why? Yes, there was a chance of seeing a miracle, but it was also because they believed Jesus taught important things. And they were right! Jesus taught important things then, and He still teaches us important things now. 

Woman with Bible

Bible Stories:

Jesus and the Leper

(Mark 1:40-50)

The Unloved Woman

(John 8:2-11)


(Luke 19:1-10)

Jesus and the Children

(Luke 18:15-16)

Memory Verse:

“Be kind and loving to

each other"

(Ephesians 4:32)

Bible Story Description:

The love Jesus gives the world is hard for us to comprehend because it's bigger and more gracious than the love the world offers. The love of Jesus is for everyone. Nothing can make Jesus stop loving us-nothing. It's a God-sized love that has to be received before it's understood. It's that good! 


Bible Stories:

Washing Feet

(John 13:3-17)

Palm Sunday

(Matthew 23:1-11, 15-16)


(Matthew 26:23-30, 27:1-2, 28:1; John 23:1-14)

Memory Verse:

“I have called you


(John 15:15)

Bible Story Description:

The immoral woman who had been kicked out of the friend group. The greedy man who stole from his family. The uneducated. The poor. The sick. The outcast. Jesus called them all friends while He was on Earth. And Jesus still calls everyone who follows him "friends" today and forever. 

School Children

Bible Stories:

Light of the World

(Matthew 5:1-2, 14-16)

Great Commission

(Matthew 28:19-20)

Early Church

(Acts 2:42-47; John 15:12

Hebrews 10:24)

Memory Verse:


"Let your light shine."

(Matthew 5:16)

Bible Story Description:

Something special happens in a person when they choose to follow Jesus and do what He says. A light begins to shine. The closer they follow Jesus, the brighter the light becomes. They can't hide it, nor would they want to. It's the light of Jesus shining through them for the world to see.  

Children's Race

Bible Stories:


(1 Samuel 1-2)


(Jeremiah 31:3, 29:11)

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

(Daniel 3:10-28)

Memory Verse:


"I will always love you"

(Jeremiah 31:3)

Bible Story Description:

God shows us daily how much he loves us in how He speaks to us through the Bible and listens to us when we pray. God's never-ending love for us is so amazing that we should be moved to talk about God to others and live for God in all we say and do.  

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